All applicants travelling for Medical purposes must obtain permission from Turkiye. This type of visa result takes longer to be complete. You must apply at least 4 weeks before your treatment date. Cosmetic appointments and surgeries are also categorised under the Medical Visa.
We will not keep your passport/travel document for this type of visa. Once you have received email mentioned that you have been granted permission, you will need to bring or post your passport , it will take max. 10 days for the visa to be stamped.
( please be aware of that all responsibility is under the applicants in case lost it , if you post your passport to our office. )
It must be valid for 6 months beyond from the date you leave Turkiye if you have Travel Document .
Passport and your BRP must be valid for 6 months beyond from the date you apply for Turkiye Visa if you have Ordinary passport . Please bring your original BRP and PRINT OUT settlement status reference which you can get from website which shows sufficient validity if you have an Ordinary passport.
A photocopy of the ID page of Travel Document or Passport and BRP
Please make sure fill up forms ( 1) Pre Application Form , 2) Terms and conditions , 3) Undertaking and Information Form for Entry to Turkey and 4) Consent Letter for Under 18 Years Old ) electronically, then print out and sign them and bring with other required documents.
You can find the forms within this link
or you may find out forms within the link in Appointment Confirmation Email that you will receive after you made an appointment.
From at least 6 months ago
It must be Standard Passport Size, undamaged and clear.
Medical Invitation Letter must be Hospital’s Letterhead including their address and contact details. Within the medical invitation letter the Doctor’s contact details and doctors signature and the hospital stamp must be included .
Please make sure Medical Invitation Letter has been contained what kind of surgery or what kind of treatment you will have very clearly ( if it Dental please include all details , or for Hair Transplant, Rhinoplasty , Tummy Tuck, Cardiology, MRI Scan etc.)
and also make sure it contained the dates of the treatment .
ANY MEDICAL LETTER WITHOUT THESE ABOVE DETAILS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED DUE TO TURKISH GOVERNMENT RULES. To avoid waiting time in our office or cancelation of your appointment please make sure you bring correct Medical Invitation Letter.
If you are working, last recent 2 months’ Payslips .
If you are a self employed; please submit Accountant Letter signed by Accountant or Solicitor and it must be mentioned that you are “self employed and monthly or yearly income “ on the letter. Please note that documents such as tax return letter or P60 will not be accepted.
If you are not working, Universal Credit, Student Finance, Pensions, Allowances is needed.
They must be up to date which means all bank transactions up to now must be seen on the bank statement document. The statement should show your full name , home address, the date and the end balance
Up to 10 days duration of stays; balance must be at least £400 in your bank statement .
More than 10 days duration of stays; balance must be calculated for extra £40 for each day per person. For example: if the duration is for 30 days, balance must be at least £1,200.
**If a family member is sponsor for the traveller due to the applicant not having enough amount in their bank account ;
A signed sponsorship letter confirming that all costs will be covered by the individual. (Only spouse, parent, child or sibling can be sponsor and please provide evidence showing this , such as address proof or marriage certificate ).
ID photocopy of the individual who is sponsoring.
Last 6 months of Bank Statement
Last 2 months of income of the person who is sponsoring ( please check criteria 4-Proof of income ).
It must include both departure and arrival tickets and make sure that your travel dates are at least 30 days later from the day you apply for a visa and the earliest that you can apply for a visa is within 60 days before your travel date. Please ensure that your flight reservation is free of cancelation.
It must be included applicant’s name. Hotel reservation under the main applicant’s name will be accepted only for family ( mother, father and kids ). Please ensure that your hotel reservation are of free cancellation and make sure that the dates match with your flight tickets. FAKE RESERVATIONS WILL CAUSE TO REJECT OF YOUR APPLICATIONS.
If you are being invited to stay with a relative or friend, they must provide an Invitation Letter with their contact details, a copy of their ID and a copy of their Utility Bill or Rent Lease.
NOTE : If you have any family/friends who is Residence in Turkiye , you may bring her/his ID and contact details to support your application.( even though you will stay in a hotel during your visit in Turkiye .)
- Original and copy of the Birth Certificate is must , if it is not English it must be translated into English . ( in case not able to provide Birth Certificate , Official letter from your Consulate will be accepted. )
- Both parents ‘copies of ID’s “.
- Both parents must be present during the application for signatures.
- If either one of the parent is absent or deceased this must be supported by a court decision where the only parent has full custody over the children or a death certificate when applicable.
- If only one parent who is mentioned on the Birth Certificate is able to attend with the child, the absent parent should submit higher consent letter signed by a solicitor or notary (Notary Services) and it should also be Apostiled or Legalised via authorised Government.
( Notarised consent letter will not be valid unless Apostiled /Legallised .)
Only consent letter signed by Notary from Turkiye will be accepted without Apostilled.
Please note that Consent letter that you may provided from Turkish Consulate is acceptable.
- If minor will travel alone to Turkiye , both parents must sign a consent letter.
- A letter from school if applicable .
Please note that you cannot apply for children without a birth-certificate. You will simply be rejected by the authorities. This is the most crucial document required for children’s visa applications to ensure the safety and security of all children.
All children under the age of 18 are required to appear at Voya Visa with both of their birth-parents for all types of visa applications. . Please provide us original and copied of all documents with your other necessary documents
Travel Insurances are only accepted which made via at Voya Visa office when you attend for a visa , by the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkiye . All other Travel Insurances will not be valid. For that reason please do NOT bring Travel Insurance with you.
Documents must be original photocopy. Screenshots are not acceptable as they are not an official document.
Payments are accepted by cash or bank transfer. Please check Turkiye Visa Application fees before you arrive our office.
Visa fee is non refundable in case your application has been rejected or withdrawn application
Additional documents may be required.